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Christopher: This music was originally developed in one incredibly stressful week as part of a soundtrack to a modern dance was created using simulations of the Roland 808 and 809 drum machines and 202 and 203 sequencers, a roland juno 106 synthesizer, live recordings of a former band of mine and samples from two albums, i mixed it with a standard digital editor...this was the first project i've ever done using electronic instruments and i didn't really have the time to learn how to use them before creating the music...i just sort of patched them together and came up with sounds i could manipulate...i had a very strict time frame i was working under and five pages of hastily scrawled notes covered in coffee and grease stains...i met with the choreographer at a retro fifties diner in northern mass where we came up with the basics in a caffeine-fueled burst of inspiration...we decided on instrumentation, basic dynamics, and overall tone of the sections, and she left the rest up to me...if you like what you're hearing, want a copy, or wish to collaborate, please contact me.


Choose a format:

RealAudio -- You'll need a RealPlayer and you'll have to endure some corporate brainwashing.

ASF -- Advanced Streaming Format uses Windows Media Player (download the latest here) The audio quality is superior to RealAudio and you don't have to tolerate the adverts associated with RealPlayer.

 Note: streaming audio uses considerable bandwidth and will increase the time it takes to download the stories. If you're on a slow modem connection you will notice a difference.

If you like, you might also consider downloading the song in MP3 format and playing it from your hard drive with a player such as Winamp. The disadvantage here is the sheer size of the file (11MB for a playing time of 12:17.) On a 28.8 modem this will take about 1 hour but the advantage is that you can listen to it anytime.

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